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What Is GatesFly

Gatesfly is a travel platform that simplifies and enriches your travel experience. We offer great deals on flights and hotels, making travel more accessible and affordable for everyone. Our platform is not just about finding the best travel deals; it's also a rich source of information and inspiration. The blogging section features articles on the best destinations, travel tips, cultural insights, and everything else related to travel. Whether you're looking for your next adventure or just dreaming about new destinations, Gatesfly is here to guide and inspire you. Join us at Gatesfly, where travel is made easy, affordable, and endlessly inspiring.

Our mission

At Gatesfly, our mission is to transform travel into an accessible, affordable, and enjoyable experience for everyone. We believe that exploring the world should be a possibility for all, no matter the budget or destination. Our focus is on breaking down the barriers that make travel seem exclusive, ensuring that great adventures and memorable experiences are within reach of every traveler. Whether it’s through providing the best deals in flights and hotels, or offering simple and efficient planning tools, we’re committed to making your travel dreams a reality. Join us at Gatesfly in making travel a shared joy, accessible and affordable for everyone.

Team Gatesfly
Our mission

Our Story

Back in 2021, a spark of entrepreneurial spirit ignited a conversation among friends that would soon transform into a groundbreaking travel brand. It all started with a simple yet ambitious idea: creating an app that would revolutionize the way people explore and experience travel. In the heart of our discussions were three friends, Y.Do, M.Be, and M.Bo, each bringing unique insights and unbridled enthusiasm to the table. Our shared passion for travel and technology was the perfect blend, leading us to brainstorm ideas that could make travel more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. The birthplace of Gatesfly was a humble boardroom where ideas flowed and dreams were sketched. It was there that our concept took flight – a travel app designed to uncover the best deals, seamlessly integrate flight and hotel bookings, and offer a wealth of knowledge through engaging travel blogs. As our vision started taking shape, A.Zo joined us, infusing our project with his tech wizardry and innovative approach. Each of us contributed something special to Gatesfly: Y.Do's keen eye for detail, M.Be's knack for finding unbeatable deals, A.Zo's tech expertise, and M.Bo's vision of a connected travel community. Together, we turned a dream into reality. Gatesfly isn't just a brand; it's a testament to friendship, innovation, and the joy of travel. Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to explore new horizons and bring the world closer to you.

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